
Liturgical worship is an integral part of Nativity’s Catholic identity.
"The celebration of Mass... is the center of the whole of Christian life for the Church both universal and local, as well as for each of the faithful individually...As to the other sacred actions and all the activities of the Christian life, these are bound up with it, flow from it, and are ordered to it."
Statement from USCCB, The Importance and Dignity of the Celebration of the Eucharist
Class Masses
Each month, a class-led Mass is celebrated where students participate as lectors, altar servers, and choir members. Several faculty members are trained as extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion and participate as well. Nativity families, friends, and parishioners are welcome to attend these Liturgies.
Family Masses
Each Sunday, Nativity Church holds a Family Mass at 9:30 AM. Nativity families are encouraged to attend as it’s a great opportunity for students and parents to worship together. The music and homilies are upbeat and children-friendly while still appealing to adults.
Coffee and donuts are served directly after Mass under the trellis. Parent volunteers host by setting up and serving refreshments to families and parishioners.
Prayer Services
Blessing of the Animals
On the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, in remembrance of this Saint and his love for God’s creatures, students are invited to bring their pets to school to receive a blessing from our Pastor. Students and families are led in a short prayer, followed by the sprinkling of Holy Water.
Advent Candle Lighting
To help students prepare their hearts and minds for Christmas, class buddies are chosen each week to lead the school in a short prayer and lighting of the wreath candles at morning assembly.
Advent Prayer Service
Prior to leaving for Christmas Break, students gather in the Sobrato Pavilion for a Liturgy of the Word service. Students place their individual prayer intentions around baby Jesus in the manger and offer their hearts to Him during this season.
Ash Wednesday Service
A Mass including the distribution of ashes is held for students and faculty. Marking the beginning of the Lenten season, it’s an opportunity to repent and experience God’s infinite mercy. Students are encouraged to make Lenten promises that help them draw closer to Christ.
Stations of the Cross
Each Friday afternoon during Lent. Nativity students and faculty pray the Stations of the Cross at Nativity Church. Student Council leads the congregation in meditations on the Lord’s Passion.
Passion Play
A student-led Passion Play is held on Holy Thursday of each year. This dramatic performance represents Christ’s Passion from the Last Supper to the Crucifiction.
May Crowning Mass
During the Holy Mass on May Crowning day, a statue of Mary is crowned with flowers. The statue is carried into church along with the crown by Nativity students. The Mass readings and music focus on Mary- particularly her title as Queen of Heaven.