Family Participation
Parent involvement greatly enriches the environment at Nativity School and is central to building community. Parents play an important role in fulfilling the school’s mission statement, and we have a strong history of parent participation which enriches and strengthens the school environment for both students and families. All families contribute to the school through service that supports the school's ability to provide an excellent academic program at a reasonable tuition. Parents organize many fundraising activities, assist with classroom events, support the sports program, encourage enrichment programs and are involved in parish activities.
Nativity is grateful for each and every hour that families put in to our School and Parish. Each family is required to give 40 hours of service per school year. Single parent households are required to work 20 hours. Families must complete 10/5 of the 40/20 hours at our Christmas Tree Lot in December. These hours are mandatory and are considered part of the commitment to Nativity School. Commitment hours are calculated from May 1st through April 30th.
Our parents’ energy, creativity and talents given through volunteer time are the necessary ingredients to make our Nativity children’s educational experience the best it can be. There are many fun ways available to meet your volunteer commitment, both in the classroom and for the larger Nativity community. Look for room parent communication and volunteer opportunities in the school newsletter, and on x2Vol system to stay up-to-date with volunteer needs throughout the year.